EDM.com Fresh Picks: Shallou, Hundaes, M Field & More

The electronic music community is constantly evolving with new sounds inspired by the scene of yesteryear. EDM.com's weekly Fresh Picks series discovers new music and unearths influential tracks that help define the underground dance scene.

You can find the below tracks on EDM.com's Fresh Picks Playlist. Follow to stay up-to-date and submit tracks for consideration here.

EDM.com Fresh Picks

Hundaes - showreel

M Field - Andrew

jumango - captcha

Ordley - maybe

munro - Heavyheart

Shallou, Origami Human - Still Care

Steve Hauschildt - Poinsettia

Downhill2k01 - Heart Cast In Resin

Sam Day - amazing

Sam Day - amazing

Solid Spark - Overcharged

Natty Lou feat. Texas MC - Voltaic (INVOLVER Remix)