Just Be

The past little while has been very busy for a variety of reasons and yet when we are with children it is our responsibility to push all that aside and “just be”. Being together is the foundation of all our work- together, in relationship, with one another. This piece can never be forgotten or undermined. Yes we want amazingly creative curriculum and beautiful offerings; yes we want systems in place; yes we want to share out our knowledge with others in our community; yes we need to care for our garden beds and buildings; yes we need to document learning; yes we need to make sure the dishwasher works (and everything else); yes we work in partnership with Thompson Community Association and the City of Richmond and all that entails; AND we need to make sure none of these ‘things’ get in the way of our moment to moment, slow time, in unity with children, families, and amongst our own team. And always, with joy!

Warmer days and sunshine means we can frolic and lay on grass and stare at clouds. We can simply breathe in all the goodness that is around us. We invite you for our last weeks together, to breathe, enjoy, smile and JUST BE!

In gratitude,
